Source code for schicluster.impute.impute_chromosome

import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, diags, eye, save_npz
from scipy.sparse.linalg import norm
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
import cooler
import logging

# from import write_coo

[docs] def calc_sparsity(matrix): row, col = matrix.shape sparsity = matrix.nnz / row / col return sparsity
[docs] def random_walk_cpu(P, rp, tol): if rp == 1: return P _start_time = time.time() n_genes = P.shape[0] I = eye(n_genes, dtype=np.float32) Q = P.copy() for i in range(30): Q_new = * (1 - rp) + rp * I) delta = norm(Q - Q_new) Q = Q_new.copy() sparsity = calc_sparsity(Q) _end_time = time.time() logging.debug( f'Iter {i + 1} takes {(_end_time - _start_time):.3f} seconds. ' f'Loss: {delta:.3f}; Sparsity: {sparsity:.3f}', P.dtype, Q.dtype) if delta < tol: break return Q
[docs] def impute_chromosome(chrom, resolution, output_path, scool_url=None, contact_path=None, chrom_size_path=None, logscale=False, pad=1, std=1, rp=0.5, tol=0.01, window_size=500000000, step_size=10000000, output_dist=500000000, min_cutoff=0, chrom1=1, pos1=2, chrom2=5, pos2=6): if scool_url is not None: cell_cool = cooler.Cooler(scool_url) A = cell_cool.matrix(balance=False, sparse=True).fetch(chrom) # A = A + diags(A.diagonal()) n_bins = A.shape[0] elif contact_path is not None: if chrom_size_path is not None: chrom_sizes = pd.read_csv(chrom_size_path, sep='\t', index_col=0, header=None).squeeze(axis=1) if chrom=='all': from import get_chrom_offsets bins_df = cooler.binnify(chrom_sizes, resolution) chrom_offset = get_chrom_offsets(bins_df) n_bins = bins_df.shape[0] else: n_bins = (chrom_sizes.loc[chrom] // resolution) + 1 else: print("ERROR : Must provide chrom_size_path if using contact file as input") return A = pd.read_csv(contact_path, sep='\t', header=None, index_col=None, comment='#')[[chrom1, pos1, chrom2, pos2]] if chrom=='all': A = A[A[chrom1].isin(chrom_offset) & A[chrom2].isin(chrom_offset)] A[pos1] = A[chrom1].map(chrom_offset) + (A[pos1] - 1) // resolution A[pos2] = A[chrom2].map(chrom_offset) + (A[pos2] - 1) // resolution else: A = A.loc[(A[chrom1]==chrom) & (A[chrom2]==chrom)] A[[pos1, pos2]] = (A[[pos1, pos2]] - 1) // resolution A = A.groupby(by=[pos1, pos2])[chrom1].count().reset_index() A = csr_matrix((A[chrom1].astype(np.int32), (A[pos1], A[pos2])), (n_bins, n_bins)) A = A + A.T else: print("ERROR : Must provide either scool_url or contact_file_path") return ws = int(window_size // resolution) ss = int(step_size // resolution) # log transform if logscale: = np.log2( + 1) # Remove diagonal before convolution A = A - diags(A.diagonal()) # Gaussian convolution and start_time = time.time() if pad > 0: # full matrix step A = gaussian_filter(A.astype(np.float32).toarray(), std, order=0, mode='mirror', truncate=pad) A = csr_matrix(A) # else: # A = A + A.T end_time = time.time() logging.debug(f'Convolution takes {end_time - start_time:.3f} seconds') # Remove diagonal before RWR A = A - diags(A.diagonal()) # Random Walk with Restart start_time = time.time() if ws >= n_bins or rp == 1: B = A + diags((A.sum(axis=0).A.ravel() == 0).astype(int)) d = diags(1 / B.sum(axis=0).A.ravel()) P = E = random_walk_cpu(P, rp, tol) else: # if the chromosome is too large, compute by chunks idx = (np.repeat(np.arange(ws), ws), np.tile(np.arange(ws), ws)) idxfilter = (np.abs(idx[1] - idx[0]) < (output_dist // resolution + 1)) idx = (idx[0][idxfilter], idx[1][idxfilter]) # first filter idxfilter = ((idx[0] + idx[1]) < (ws + ss)) idx1 = (idx[0][idxfilter], idx[1][idxfilter]) mask1 = csr_matrix((np.ones(len(idx1[0])), (idx1[0], idx1[1])), (ws, ws)) # last filter idxfilter = ((idx[0] + idx[1]) >= ( (n_bins - ws) // ss * 2 + 1) * ss + 3 * ws - 2 * n_bins) idx2 = (idx[0][idxfilter], idx[1][idxfilter]) mask2 = csr_matrix((np.ones(len(idx2[0])), (idx2[0], idx2[1])), (ws, ws)) # center filter idxfilter = np.logical_and((idx[0] + idx[1]) < (ws + ss), (idx[0] + idx[1]) >= (ws - ss)) idx0 = (idx[0][idxfilter], idx[1][idxfilter]) mask0 = csr_matrix((np.ones(len(idx0[0])), (idx0[0], idx0[1])), (ws, ws)) start_time = time.time() E = csr_matrix(A.shape, dtype=np.float32) for ll in [x for x in range(0, n_bins - ws, ss)] + [n_bins - ws]: B = A[ll:(ll + ws), ll:(ll + ws)] B = B + diags((B.sum(axis=0).A.ravel() == 0).astype(int)) d = diags(1 / B.sum(axis=0).A.ravel()) P = Etmp = random_walk_cpu(P, rp, tol) if ll == 0: E[ll:(ll + ws), ll:(ll + ws)] += Etmp.multiply(mask1) elif ll == (n_bins - ws): E[ll:(ll + ws), ll:(ll + ws)] += Etmp.multiply(mask2) else: E[ll:(ll + ws), ll:(ll + ws)] += Etmp.multiply(mask0) logging.debug(f'RWR takes {time.time() - start_time:.3f} seconds') # Normalize start_time = time.time() E += E.T d = E.sum(axis=0).A.ravel() d[d == 0] = 1 b = diags(1 / np.sqrt(d)) E = logging.debug(f'SQRTVC takes {time.time() - start_time:.3f} seconds') start_time = time.time() # mask the lower triangle of E # TODO This part is MEM intensive, the mask below can be combined with the chunk mask above idx = np.triu_indices(E.shape[0], 0) if (output_dist // resolution + 1) < n_bins: # longest distance filter mask idxfilter = ((idx[1] - idx[0]) < (output_dist // resolution + 1)) idx = (idx[0][idxfilter], idx[1][idxfilter]) mask = csr_matrix((np.ones(len(idx[0])), (idx[0], idx[1])), E.shape, dtype=np.float32) E = E.tocsr().multiply(mask) logging.debug(f'Filter takes {time.time() - start_time:.3f} seconds') # TODO put this part inside RWR, before normalize # min_cutoff = tol/ # Make values < min_cutoff to 0 if min_cutoff > 0: s_before = calc_sparsity(E) E = E.multiply(E > min_cutoff) s_after = calc_sparsity(E) logging.debug(f'Mask values smaller than {min_cutoff}. Sparsity before {s_before:.3f}, after {s_after:.3f}') # save to file # write_coo(output_path, E) save_npz(output_path, E) return