hicluster gene-score#
This command generate cell by gene hdf matrix.
Command Docs#
usage: hicluster gene-score [-h] --cell_table_path CELL_TABLE_PATH
--gene_meta_path GENE_META_PATH --resolution
--chrom_size_path CHROM_SIZE_PATH [--cpu CPU]
[--slop SLOP] [--mode MODE] [--chr1 CHROM1]
[--chr2 CHROM2] [--pos1 POS1] [--pos2 POS2]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cpu CPU CPUs to use (default: 10)
--slop SLOP gene slop distance on both sides (default: 0)
--mode MODE raw or impute (default: impute)
--chr1 CHROM1 0 based index of chr1 column. (default: 1)
--chr2 CHROM2 0 based index of chr2 column. (default: 5)
--pos1 POS1 0 based index of pos1 column. (default: 2)
--pos2 POS2 0 based index of pos2 column. (default: 6)
required arguments:
--cell_table_path CELL_TABLE_PATH
Contain all the cool file information in twotab-
separated columns: 1. cell_uid, 2. file_path. No
header (default: None)
--gene_meta_path GENE_META_PATH
Contain all gene information in four tab-seperated
columns: 1. chromosome, 2. start, 3. end, 4. gene_id.
No header (default: None)
--resolution RESOLUTION
Resolution of cool file; normally use resolution at
10k (default: 10000)
--output_hdf_path OUTPUT_HDF_PATH
Full path to output file (default: None)
--chrom_size_path CHROM_SIZE_PATH
Path to UCSC chrom size file. Contain all the
chromosome information in two tab-separated columns:
1. chromosome name, 2. chromosome length. No header
(default: None)
Command Examples#
hicluster gene-score \
--cell_table_path impute/10K/cell_table.tsv \
--gene_meta_path /data/aging/ref/m3C/gencode.vM22.annotation.gene.sorted.bed.gz \
--resolution 10000 \
--output_hdf_path geneimputescore.hdf \
--chrom_size_path /data/aging/ref/m3C/mm10.main.nochrM.nochrY.chrom.sizes \
--cpu 48
--mode impute
Command Breakdown#
--cell_table_path impute/10K/cell_table.tsv
Specify the file paths of the imputed cool files in this line(e.g. /home/qzeng_salk_edu/project/aging/230711_m3C/impute/10K/chunk0/AMB_220712_18mo_12D_13B_2_P4-1-I15-G2.cool). Here is an example of what the contact table looks like:
cell_1 imputed_hic_cool_path_1
cell_2 imputed_hic_cool_path_2
cell_3 imputed_hic_cool_path_3
The first column indicates the cell name (e.g. AAMB_220712_18mo_12D_13B_2_P4-1-I15-G2) whereas the second column indicates the imputed cool file path of the cell. Make sure the two parts are separated by a tab; also make sure the file has no header.
The output file is a cell by gene matrix, values indicating contact probability on each gene.