Source code for schicluster.compartment.call_compartment

import subprocess
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.sparse import diags, csr_matrix
import cooler
import pathlib
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed
import xarray as xr

[docs] def get_cpg_profile(fasta_path, hdf_output_path, cell_url=None, chrom_size_path=None, resolution=100000): temp_bed_path = f'{hdf_output_path}_bins.bed' temp_cpg_path = f'{hdf_output_path}_cpg_profile.txt' # count CpG per bin if cell_url is not None: cool = cooler.Cooler(cell_url) bins = cool.bins()[:] elif chrom_size_path is not None: chrom_sizes = pd.read_csv(chrom_size_path, sep='\t', index_col=0, header=None).squeeze(axis=1) bins = cooler.binnify(chrom_sizes, resolution) else: print('ERROR : Must provide either cell_url or chrom_size_path') bins.to_csv(temp_bed_path, index=None, header=None, sep='\t') f'bedtools nuc -fi {fasta_path} -bed {temp_bed_path} -pattern CG -C > {temp_cpg_path}', shell=True) # get CpG ratio for each bin result = pd.read_csv(temp_cpg_path, sep='\t') result['ratio'] = (result['13_user_patt_count'] / (result['12_seq_len'] - result['10_num_N'])).fillna(0) # chrom, start, end, CpG ratio result = result.iloc[:, [0, 1, 2, -1]] result.columns = ['chrom', 'start', 'end', 'cpg_ratio'] result.to_hdf(hdf_output_path, key='data') # cleanup'rm -f {temp_bed_path} {temp_cpg_path}', shell=True) return
[docs] def compartment_strength(matrix, comp, cpg_ratio): bin_filter = cpg_ratio > 0 # for calculating compartment strength tmp = comp[bin_filter] a_pos = (tmp > np.percentile(tmp, 80)) b_pos = (tmp < np.percentile(tmp, 20)) E = matrix.tocoo() decay = np.array([E.diagonal(i).mean() for i in range(E.shape[0])]) = / decay[np.abs(E.col - E.row)] E = E.tocsr()[np.ix_(bin_filter, bin_filter)] aa = E[np.ix_(a_pos, a_pos)].sum() bb = E[np.ix_(b_pos, b_pos)].sum() ab = E[np.ix_(a_pos, b_pos)].sum() scores = np.array([aa, bb, ab]) return scores
[docs] def single_chrom_compartment(matrix, cpg_ratio, calc_strength=False): matrix = matrix - diags(matrix.diagonal()) # remove diag # matrix = matrix + matrix.T # make full matrix matrix = matrix + diags((matrix.sum(axis=0).A.ravel() == 0).astype(int)) = / np.repeat(matrix.sum(axis=0).A1, matrix.getnnz(axis=1)) # weighted average of cpg density comp =[:, None])[:, 0] if calc_strength: scores = compartment_strength(matrix, comp, cpg_ratio) else: scores = None return comp, scores
[docs] def single_cell_compartment(cell_url, cpg_profile, calc_strength, output_prefix, mode, resolution, chrom_sizes, chrom1, pos1, chrom2, pos2): if mode=='cool': cool = cooler.Cooler(cell_url) chroms = pd.Index(cool.chromnames).intersection(cpg_profile['chrom']) elif mode=='tsv': chroms = chrom_sizes.index data = pd.read_csv(cell_url, sep='\t', index_col=None, header=None, comment='#') data = data.loc[(data[chrom1]==data[chrom2]) & data[chrom1].isin(chroms)] all_comp = [] scores = np.array([0, 0, 0]) for chrom in chroms: cpg_ratio = cpg_profile.loc[cpg_profile['chrom'] == chrom, 'cpg_ratio'] if mode=='cool': matrix = cool.matrix(balance=False, sparse=True).fetch(chrom) else: n_bins = (chrom_sizes.loc[chrom] // resolution) + 1 chrfilter = (data[chrom1]==chrom) if chrfilter.sum()==0: matrix = csr_matrix((n_bins, n_bins)) else: matrix = data.loc[chrfilter] matrix[[pos1, pos2]] = (matrix[[pos1, pos2]] - 1) // resolution matrix = matrix.groupby(by=[pos1, pos2])[chrom1].count().reset_index() matrix = csr_matrix((matrix[chrom1].astype(np.int32), (matrix[pos1], matrix[pos2])), (n_bins, n_bins)) matrix = matrix + matrix.T if cpg_ratio.shape[0]!=matrix.shape[0]: print(f'ERROR : cpg_ratio and chrom_size have different shapes at {chrom}') return(0) comp, scores = single_chrom_compartment(matrix.tocsr(), cpg_ratio, calc_strength=calc_strength) if calc_strength: scores += scores all_comp.append(comp) all_comp = np.concatenate(all_comp) if calc_strength: np.savez(f'{output_prefix}.comp.npz', all_comp, scores) else: np.savez(f'{output_prefix}.comp.npz', all_comp) return
[docs] def aggregate_compartment(cell_table, temp_dir, bins, output_path, calc_strength): total_comp = [] total_scores = [] for cell_id, cell_url in cell_table.items(): comp_path = f'{temp_dir}/{cell_id}.comp.npz' npz_data = np.load(comp_path) total_comp.append(npz_data['arr_0']) if calc_strength: total_scores.append(npz_data['arr_1']) total_comp = np.vstack(total_comp) total_comp = pd.DataFrame(total_comp, index=cell_table.index, columns=bins.index) = 'cell' = 'bin' total_comp = xr.Dataset({'compartment': total_comp}) total_comp.coords['bin_chrom'] = bins['chrom'] total_comp.coords['bin_start'] = bins['start'] total_comp.coords['bin_end'] = bins['end'] if calc_strength: total_scores = np.vstack(total_scores) total_scores = pd.DataFrame(total_scores, index=cell_table.index, columns=['AA', 'BB', 'AB']) = 'cell' = 'sum' total_comp['summary'] = xr.DataArray(total_scores) total_comp.to_netcdf(output_path) return
[docs] def multiple_cell_compartment(cell_table_path, output_prefix, cpg_profile_path, cpu=10, calc_strength=False, mode='cool', chrom_size_path=None, resolution=100000, chrom1=1, pos1=2, chrom2=5, pos2=6): cell_table = pd.read_csv(cell_table_path, sep='\t', index_col=0, header=None).squeeze(axis=1) print(cell_table.shape[0], 'cells to calculate.') temp_dir = pathlib.Path(f'{output_prefix}_compartment_temp') temp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) cpg_profile = pd.read_hdf(cpg_profile_path) if mode=='tsv': if chrom_size_path is not None: chrom_sizes = pd.read_csv(chrom_size_path, sep='\t', index_col=0, header=None).squeeze(axis=1) bins = cooler.binnify(chrom_sizes, resolution) else: print('ERROR : need to provide chrom_size_path for tsv mode') return elif mode=='cool': chrom_sizes = None cell_cool = cooler.Cooler(cell_table.iloc[0]) bins = cell_cool.bins()[:] bins = bins.loc[bins['chrom'].isin(cpg_profile['chrom'])] else: print('ERROR : mode need to be cool or tsv') return # calculate individual cells with ProcessPoolExecutor(cpu) as exe: future_dict = {} for cell_id, cell_url in cell_table.items(): cell_prefix = f'{temp_dir}/{cell_id}' if pathlib.Path(f'{cell_prefix}.comp.npz').exists(): continue future = exe.submit(single_cell_compartment, cell_url=cell_url, cpg_profile=cpg_profile, output_prefix=cell_prefix, calc_strength=calc_strength, mode=mode, chrom_sizes=chrom_sizes, resolution=resolution, chrom1=chrom1, pos1=pos1, chrom2=chrom2, pos2=pos2) future_dict[future] = cell_id for future in as_completed(future_dict): cell_id = future_dict[future] print(f'{cell_id} finished.') future.result() # aggregate boundary aggregate_compartment(cell_table=cell_table, temp_dir=temp_dir, bins=bins, output_path=f'{output_prefix}', calc_strength=calc_strength) # cleanup'rm -rf {temp_dir}', shell=True) return