Source code for schicluster.loop.merge_raw_matrix

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pathlib
import cooler
import h5py
import shutil
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed

from import get_chrom_offsets
from .merge_cell_to_group import read_single_cool_chrom

[docs] def _chrom_sum_iterator(cell_urls, chrom_sizes, chrom_offset, add_trans=False): """ Iterate through the raw matrices and chromosomes of cells. Parameters ---------- cell_urls : List of cell urls. chrom_sizes : Dictionary of chromosome sizes. chrom_offset : Dictionary of chromosome offsets. add_trans : If true, will also iterate all the trans combinations (different chromosomes). Yields ------- pixel_df : Dataframe of pixels. Used by cooler.create_cooler to save to h5 file. """ def _iter_1d(_chrom1, _chrom2): # sum together multiple chunks # first cell_url = cell_urls[0] matrix = read_single_cool_chrom(cell_url, chrom=_chrom1, chrom2=_chrom2) # others if len(cell_urls) > 1: for cell_url in cell_urls[1:]: matrix += read_single_cool_chrom(cell_url, chrom=_chrom1, chrom2=_chrom2) matrix = matrix.tocoo() _pixel_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'bin1_id': matrix.row, 'bin2_id': matrix.col, 'count': }) if _chrom2 is None: # both row and col are chrom1 _pixel_df.iloc[:, :2] += chrom_offset[_chrom1] else: # row is chrom1, add chrom1 offset _pixel_df.iloc[:, 0] += chrom_offset[_chrom1] # col is chrom2, add chrom2 offset _pixel_df.iloc[:, 1] += chrom_offset[_chrom2] return _pixel_df if add_trans: # only iter upper triangle # chrom order by offset, small to large chroms = [k for k, v in sorted(chrom_offset.items(), key=lambda i: i[1])] n_chroms = len(chroms) for a in range(n_chroms): chrom1 = chroms[a] chrom1_dfs = [] for b in range(a, n_chroms): chrom2 = chroms[b] pixel_df = _iter_1d(chrom1, chrom2) chrom1_dfs.append(pixel_df) chrom1_df = pd.concat(chrom1_dfs).sort_values(by=['bin1_id', 'bin2_id']) yield chrom1_df else: for chrom in chrom_sizes.keys(): pixel_df = _iter_1d(chrom, None) yield pixel_df
[docs] def _save_single_matrix_type(cooler_path, bins_df, cell_urls, chrom_sizes, chrom_offset, add_trans=False): """ Save a single matrix type Cool file from merging multiple cell urls. Parameters ---------- cooler_path : Path to the output cool file. bins_df : Dataframe of bins. Created from chromosome sizes and resolution. cell_urls : List of cell urls to merge. chrom_sizes : Dictionary of chromosome sizes. chrom_offset : Dictionary of chromosome offsets. add_trans : Whether add trans matrix also. """ chrom_iter = _chrom_sum_iterator(cell_urls, chrom_sizes, chrom_offset, add_trans=add_trans) cooler.create_cooler(cool_uri=cooler_path, bins=bins_df, pixels=chrom_iter, ordered=True, dtypes={'count': np.float32}) with h5py.File(cooler_path, 'a') as f: f.attrs['group_n_cells'] = len(cell_urls) return
[docs] def make_raw_matrix_cell_table(cell_table, resolution_str='10K'): # get all the raw matrix cell url automatically if the dir path is the default scool_dirs = cell_table['cell_url'].apply(lambda i: '/'.join(i.split('/')[:-4])).unique() cell_urls = {} scool_file_pattern = f'raw/*.{resolution_str}.scool' for scool_dir in scool_dirs: for scool_path in pathlib.Path(scool_dir).glob(scool_file_pattern): with h5py.File(scool_path, 'r') as _cool: cell_ids = list(_cool['cells'].keys()) for cell_id in cell_ids: cell_urls[cell_id] = f'{scool_path}::/cells/{cell_id}' raw_url_series = pd.Series(cell_urls) # delete old url del cell_table['cell_url'] # add new url cell_table['cell_url'] = raw_url_series na_cells = cell_table['cell_url'].isna().sum() if na_cells > 0: raise ValueError(f'{na_cells} cells do not have raw matrix.') cell_table = cell_table[['cell_url', 'cell_group']] return cell_table
[docs] def merge_raw_scool_by_cluster(chrom_size_path, resolution, cell_table_path, output_dir, add_trans=False, cpu=1): """ Sum the raw matrix of cells, no normalization. Parameters ---------- chrom_size_path : Path to the chrom size file. This file is used to determine chromosome names and bins. resolution : Resolution of the raw matrix. cell_table_path : Path to the cell table. This table should contain three columns: cell_id, cell_url, cell_group; no Header. The cell_id is the id of the cell in the raw matrix. The cell_url is the path to the raw matrix. The cell_group is the group of the cells. output_dir : Path to the output directory. Group cool files will be named as "<output_dir>/<cell_group>.cool". add_trans : Whether add trans matrix also. cpu : Number of CPUs to use. """ # determine chunk dirs for the group: output_dir = pathlib.Path(output_dir).absolute() output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) cell_table = pd.read_csv(cell_table_path, sep='\t', index_col=0, header=None, names=['cell_id', 'cell_url', 'cell_group']) chrom_sizes = cooler.read_chromsizes(chrom_size_path, all_names=True) bins_df = cooler.binnify(chrom_sizes, resolution) chrom_offset = get_chrom_offsets(bins_df) with ProcessPoolExecutor(cpu) as exe: futures = {} for cell_group, sub_df in cell_table.groupby('cell_group'): cell_urls = sub_df['cell_url'].tolist() cooler_path = output_dir / f'{cell_group}.cool' if cooler_path.exists(): print(f'{cooler_path} already exists, skip.') continue cooler_temp_path = str(output_dir / f'{cell_group}') future = exe.submit(_save_single_matrix_type, cooler_path=cooler_temp_path, bins_df=bins_df, cell_urls=cell_urls, chrom_sizes=chrom_sizes, chrom_offset=chrom_offset, add_trans=add_trans) futures[future] = cell_group for future in as_completed(futures): cell_group = futures[future] print(f'Matrix {cell_group} generated') future.result() # move the temp cool file to the final location cooler_path = str(output_dir / f'{cell_group}.cool') cooler_temp_path = str(output_dir / f'{cell_group}') shutil.move(cooler_temp_path, cooler_path) return