# command time python /gale/ddn/snm3C/humanPFC/code/impute_cell.py --indir /gale/raidix/rdx-5/zhoujt/projects/methylHiC/PFC_batch_merged/smoothed_matrix/1cell/${res0}b_resolution/chr${c}/ --outdir /gale/ddn/snm3C/humanPFC/smoothed_matrix/${res0}b_resolution/chr${c}/ --cell ${sample} --chrom ${c} --res ${res} --chrom_file /gale/netapp/home/zhoujt/genome/hg19/hg19.autosomal.chrom.sizes --mode pad2_std1_rp0.5_sqrtvc
# command time python /gale/ddn/snm3C/humanPFC/code/impute_cell.py --indir /gale/ddn/snm3C/humanPFC/cell_matrix/${res0}b_resolution/chr${c}/ --outdir /gale/ddn/snm3C/humanPFC/smoothed_matrix/${res0}b_resolution/chr${c}/ --cell ${sample} --chrom ${c} --res ${res} --chrom_file /gale/netapp/home/zhoujt/genome/hg19/hg19.autosomal.chrom.sizes --pad 2 --output_dist 10050000 --window_size 40000000 --step_size 10000000 --mode pad2_std1_rp0.5_ws40
import os
import time
import h5py
import cv2
import argparse
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, save_npz, diags, eye
from scipy.sparse.linalg import norm
from scipy import ndimage as nd
def impute_cell(indir, outdir, cell, chrom, res, chrom_file,
logscale=False, pad=1, std=1, rp=0.5, tol=0.01, window_size=500000000, step_size=10000000,
output_dist=500000000, output_format='hdf5', mode=None):
def random_walk_cpu(P, rp, tol):
if rp==1:
return P
ngene = P.shape[0]
I = eye(ngene)
Q = P.copy()
start_time = time.time()
for i in range(30):
Q_new = P.dot(Q * (1 - rp) + rp * I)
delta = norm(Q - Q_new)
Q = Q_new.copy()
sparsity = Q.nnz / ngene / ngene
end_time = time.time()
print('Iter', i+1, 'takes', end_time-start_time, 'seconds, loss', delta, 'sparsity', sparsity)
if delta < tol:
return Q
def output():
if output_format=='npz':
save_npz(f'{outdir}{cell}_{c}_{mode}.npz', E.astype(np.float32))
f = h5py.File(f'{outdir}{cell}_{c}_{mode}.hdf5', 'w')
g = f.create_group('Matrix')
g.create_dataset('data', data=E.data, dtype='float32', compression='gzip')
g.create_dataset('indices', data=E.indices, dtype=int, compression='gzip')
g.create_dataset('indptr', data=E.indptr, dtype=int, compression='gzip')
g.attrs['shape'] = E.shape
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
print('Output directory does not exist')
if chrom[:3]=='chr':
c = chrom
c = 'chr' + chrom
if not mode:
mode = f'pad{str(pad)}_std{str(std)}_rp{str(rp)}_sqrtvc'
ws = window_size // res
ss = step_size // res
chromsize = pd.read_csv(chrom_file, sep='\t', header=None, index_col=0).to_dict()[1]
start_time = time.time()
ngene = int(chromsize[c] // res) + 1
D = np.loadtxt(f'{indir}{cell}_{c}.txt')
# to avoid bugs on chromosomes with 0/1 read
if len(D)==0:
E = eye(ngene).tocsr()
elif len(D.shape)==1:
D = D.reshape(1,-1)
A = csr_matrix((D[:, 2], (D[:, 0], D[:, 1])), shape = (ngene, ngene))
if logscale:
A.data = np.log2(A.data + 1)
end_time = time.time()
print('Loading takes', end_time-start_time, 'seconds')
start_time = time.time()
if pad > 0:
A = cv2.GaussianBlur((A + A.T).astype(np.float32).toarray(), (pad*2+1, pad*2+1), std)
A = (A + A.T).astype(np.float32)
end_time = time.time()
print('Convolution takes', end_time-start_time, 'seconds')
start_time = time.time()
# remove diagonal before rwr
A = csr_matrix(A)
A = A - diags(A.diagonal())
if ws>=ngene or rp==1:
B = A + diags((A.sum(axis=0).A.ravel()==0).astype(int))
d = diags(1 / B.sum(axis=0).A.ravel())
P = d.dot(B)
E = random_walk_cpu(P, rp, tol)
E = E.multiply(E > 0.01/ngene)
idx = (np.repeat(np.arange(ws), ws), np.tile(np.arange(ws), ws))
idxfilter = (np.abs(idx[1] - idx[0]) < (output_dist // res + 1))
idx = (idx[0][idxfilter], idx[1][idxfilter])
# first filter
idxfilter = ((idx[0] + idx[1]) < (ws + ss))
idx1 = (idx[0][idxfilter], idx[1][idxfilter])
mask1 = csr_matrix((np.ones(len(idx1[0])), (idx1[0], idx1[1])), (ws, ws))
# last filter
idxfilter = ((idx[0] + idx[1]) >= ((ngene-ws) // ss * 2 + 1) * ss + 3 * ws - 2 * ngene)
idx2 = (idx[0][idxfilter], idx[1][idxfilter])
mask2 = csr_matrix((np.ones(len(idx2[0])), (idx2[0], idx2[1])), (ws, ws))
# center filter
idxfilter = np.logical_and((idx[0] + idx[1]) < (ws + ss), (idx[0] + idx[1]) >= (ws - ss))
idx0 = (idx[0][idxfilter], idx[1][idxfilter])
mask0 = csr_matrix((np.ones(len(idx0[0])), (idx0[0], idx0[1])), (ws, ws))
start_time = time.time()
E = csr_matrix(A.shape)
for ll in [x for x in range(0, ngene - ws, ss)] + [ngene - ws]:
B = A[ll:(ll+ws), ll:(ll+ws)]
B = B + diags((B.sum(axis=0).A.ravel()==0).astype(int))
d = diags(1 / B.sum(axis=0).A.ravel())
P = d.dot(B)
Etmp = random_walk_cpu(P, rp, tol)
if ll==0:
E[ll:(ll+ws), ll:(ll+ws)] += Etmp.multiply(mask1)
elif ll==(ngene-ws):
E[ll:(ll+ws), ll:(ll+ws)] += Etmp.multiply(mask2)
E[ll:(ll+ws), ll:(ll+ws)] += Etmp.multiply(mask0)
print('Window', ll)
E = E.multiply(E > 0.01/ws)
print('RWR takes', time.time() - start_time, 'seconds')
start_time = time.time()
E = E + E.T
d = E.sum(axis=0).A.ravel()
d[d==0] = 1
b = diags(1 / np.sqrt(d))
E = b.dot(E).dot(b)
print('SQRTVC takes', time.time() - start_time, 'seconds')
# longest distance filter mask
start_time = time.time()
idx = np.triu_indices(E.shape[0], 0)
if (output_dist // res + 1) < ngene:
idxfilter = ((idx[1] - idx[0]) < (output_dist // res + 1))
idx = (idx[0][idxfilter], idx[1][idxfilter])
mask = csr_matrix((np.ones(len(idx[0])), (idx[0], idx[1])), E.shape)
E = E.tocsr().multiply(mask)
print('Filter takes', time.time() - start_time, 'seconds')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--indir', type=str, default=None, help='Directory of the contact matrix')
parser.add_argument('--outdir', type=str, default=None, help='Output directory end with /')
parser.add_argument('--cell', type=str, default=None, help='Specific identifier of a cell')
parser.add_argument('--chrom', type=str, default=None, help='Chromosome to impute')
parser.add_argument('--res', type=int, default=None, help='Bin size as integer to generate contact matrix')
parser.add_argument('--chrom_file', type=str, default=None, help='Path to the chromosome size files containing all chromosomes to be analyzed')
parser.add_argument('--logscale', dest='logscale', action='store_true', help='To log transform raw count')
parser.add_argument('--pad', type=int, default=1, help='Gaussian kernal size')
parser.add_argument('--std', type=float, default=1, help='Gaussian kernal standard deviation')
parser.add_argument('--rp', type=float, default=0.5, help='Restart probability of RWR')
parser.add_argument('--tol', type=float, default=0.01, help='Convergence tolerance of RWR')
parser.add_argument('--window_size', type=int, default=500000000, help='Size of RWR sliding window')
parser.add_argument('--step_size', type=int, default=10000000, help='Step length of RWR sliding window')
parser.add_argument('--output_dist', type=int, default=500000000, help='Maximum distance threshold of contacts when writing output file')
parser.add_argument('--output_format', type=str, default='hdf5', help='Output file format (hdf5 or npz)')
parser.add_argument('--mode', type=str, default=None, help='Suffix of output file name')
opt = parser.parse_args()
impute_cell(opt.indir, opt.outdir, opt.cell, opt.chrom, opt.res, opt.chrom_file,
opt.logscale, opt.pad, opt.std, opt.rp, opt.tol, opt.window_size, opt.step_size,
opt.output_dist, opt.output_format, opt.mode)